고등 영어자료실/영어1,2 교과서

[고등 영어 두산윤]5과 직독직해 문제

여기가로두스 2016. 6. 9. 21:00

[고등 영어 두산윤]5과 직독직해 문제

2015 2-1 영어과 기말고사(직독직해 및 단어_영어I 5단원).hwp

14. According to Spaulding, the league was a foundation established by a curious and wealth American to promote the interests of red-Headed men.

15. The American asked these men to perform small tasks but paid a high salary.

16. Spaulding encouraged Wilson to apply, and together they went to the office listed in the advertisement.

17. The manager of the league, another red-headed man by the name of Duncan Ross, promptly hired Wilson.

18. Wilson's job was to copy pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon.

19. During those four hours, he was forbidden to leave the office for any reason.

20. Wilson worked there for eight weeks and was paid well.

21. Then suddenly the whole business came to an end.

22. On that morning he went to work and found a card pinned to the door, which read: THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE IS DISSOLVED.

23. Mr. Wilson said, "Well, I want to know who played this trick on me, and why."

24. “You were wise to come to me,” said Holmes.

25. “How did you find the assistant of yours?”

26. “I picked him because he was willing to work for half the wages.”

27. “What is he like?”

28. “Small, quick in his ways, no hair on his face, with an old cut above his eye.”

29. “That will do, Mr. Wilson. I think I can give you an opinion in a day or two.”



| The Clean-Shaven Man in the Pawnshop |

30. When our visitor had left us, with a pipe in his hand, Holmes sat with his eyes closed, thinking the matter over.