고등 영어자료실/수능영어 자료

[고등 영어 수능 대비] 의미 ․ 형태에 주의할 접속사

여기가로두스 2016. 6. 26. 06:00

[고등 영어 수능 대비]  의미 ․ 형태에 주의할 접속사


[1-5] 문맥상 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 접속사를 보기에서 찾아 써 넣으시오.


1. Keep the window closed _________ it rains.


2. You can't go in _________ you have a ticket.

3. _________ you have made up your mind, don't think of changing it.


4. Don't trust him, __________ he says.

5. Speak louder __________ the audience will hear you.



[6-8] 주어진 두 문장에 공통으로 들어갈 접속사를 써 넣으시오.


6. _______ I was eating my lunch, the fire alarm rang suddenly.

Her brother became a successful banker, _______ she became a secretary.


7. _______ you won't help me, I must do the job by myself.

We haven't seen Sue ________ she came back from her holiday.


8. Do you know _______ the bus stops here?


You can borrow it _______ you won't forget to give it back.



[9-11] 다음 주어진 어구들을 올바른 순서대로 배열하시오.

9. (over, that, he, now, is, seventy), he is going to retire.


10. I wrote down his address (it, fear, that, forget, for, I).


11. The insect was (couldn't, small, see, it, so, he, that).



12. 다음 중 보기 문장과 같은 뜻으로 사용된 as?

As he grew older, he feared death more.

As the car would not start, we had to call for a taxi.

As I was leaving the house, the postman brought a letter.

This is the same watch as I lost.

Do in Rome as Romans do.



13. 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 써 넣으시오.

They came in through the backdoor lest they _________ seen. (be)


[14-15] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

(A) The moment I arrived that first night, I gave Helen Keller a doll. As I wrote the spelling of "doll" with my fingers in her hand, Helen had a look of wonder and surprise on her face. Then she formed the letters in my hand just as I had done in hers. As time passed, she learned all the letters as well as the names of many things.

(B) Of course, you can. Dry ice is nothing but frozen carbon dioxide, so your question is like asking if it's safe to drink coke!


14. 다음 중 The moment 대신 사용할 수 없는 접속사를 모두 고르시오.

As soon as The minute

Once Immediately

By the time


15. 다음 중 단어의 뜻풀이가 잘못된 것은?

wonder : 놀라움

form : 을 형성하다

letter : 편지

nothing but : 에 불과한

like : () 같은



[16-17] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

A blind man was standing on the corner with his dog when the dog raised his leg and wet the man's trousers. The man reached in his pocket and took out a doggie biscuit. A man who had been watching was surprised he ran up to the blind man and said, "You shouldn't do that. He'll never learn anything if you reward him when he does something like that!" The blind man replied, "I'm not rewarding him. I'm just trying to find his mouth

I can kick him in the ass.


16. 의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 2단어를 쓰시오.


17. something like that이 의미하는 부분을 위 글에서 찾아 쓰시오. (10단어)




18. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분은?

When Bill returned from the Vietnam war, there was something wrong with him. Each time he heard a loud bang, he thought someone was shooting at him. He was afraid to sleep at night for fear that he should not have nightmares. Finally he decided to see a psychologist in the hope that there might be a way to treat his problem. Fortunately, by the time his treatment ended, he was much better.



[19-20] 다음 주어진 문장을 우리말로 해석하시오.


19. Very few of us are born to wealth and power, unless you're a Kennedy or a Rockefeller or a member of one of a few select families.



20. The funny thing is that the harder I work, the more I try not to spend my money.









13. 의미 형태에 주의할 접속사


1. in case

2. unless

3. Once

4. no matter what

5. so that

6. while

7. since

8. if

9. Now that he is over seventy

10. for fear that I forget it

11. so small that he couldn't see it

12. ② ▷ 보기 문장과 는 모두 이유를 나타내는 접속사로 사용되었다.

13. (should) be

14. ,

15. ③ ▷ 여기서의 letter글자라는 뜻으로 사용되었다.

16. so, that

17. the dog raised his leg and wet the man's trousers

18. ③ ▷ for fear ~ that 구문에는 이미 부정의 의미가 포함되어 있으므로 not을 삭제해야 한다.

19. 여러분이 케네디나 록펠러, 혹은 다른 소수의 선택된 가문의 한 사람이 아니라면, 우리들 중 누구도 부와 권력을 타고 나는 사람은 거의 없다.

20. 재미있는 일은, 내가 열심히 일하면 일할수록 더더욱 돈을 쓰지 않으려 노력하게 된다는 것이다.