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[고등 수능 영어 대비]고3 모의고사 2010-2015 독해 유형별 문제 + 해설

여기가로두스 2016. 6. 26. 22:00

[고등 수능 영어 대비]고3 모의고사 2010-2015 독해 유형별 문제 + 해설

고3 모의고사 2010-2015 독해 유형별 문제 해설 (1).vol1.egg

고3 모의고사 2010-2015 독해 유형별 문제 해설 (1).vol2.egg

목적 찾기 01 2010(03 )/20 월 01. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? I somewhat disagree with everyone saying Mr. Peterson’s class is boring and too demanding. I’ve had Mr. Peterson for Statistics and , and I can honestly say that he is Ⅰ Ⅱ detail-oriented and expects a lot from his students. But statistics is about details, facts, and effort among other things. If you’re looking for an easy A, think about taking an easier class; you won’t have to complain about homework or low grades. Mr. Peterson knows his stuff, has a lot of experience, and is very approachable. When I had him, I didn’t get many poor remarks; on the rare occasions I did, it didn’t affect my grade. Overall, this is a class that will give you as much as you put into it. ① to decline a job offer ② to recommend a course ③ to hire a new professor ④ to ask for a quick reply ⑤ to complain about grading 목적 찾기 02 2010(06 )/18 월 02. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 점 ? [1 ] I have seen people who are very good at their jobs but are poor at presenting themselves and, hence, do not convince the audience of their capabilities. Presentation is so crucially important and will make the difference between getting a sale or not. Some people are naturally good presenters, but brushing up on your skills in this area will prove profitable. There are lots of courses available that are good. Try Think Business where courses are cheap or even free. The ABC Marketing Institute also offers very good presentation skills courses. A good course will help you structure your presentations and improve your own personal style. I would recommend one that films you while you are presenting and then gives a critique of your style. ① 대인 관계 개선 방안을 제시하려고 ② 프레젠테이션 소프트웨어를 광고하려고 ③ 청중과의 상호 작용의 중요성을 강조하려고 ④ 영상 매체를 활용한 강의 기법을 설명하려고 ⑤ 발표력 향상을 위한 강좌에 대해 알려 주려고 목적 찾기 03 2010(09 )/18 월 03. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 점 ? [1 ] I was pleased to receive your letter requesting a letter of reference for a Future Leaders scholarship. As your physics teacher, I can certainly speak highly of your academic abilities. Your grades have consistently been A’s and B’s in my class. Since this is the first semester that I have had you in class, however, I do not feel that I am the right person to provide information on your leadership skills. I would encourage you to request a reference letter from those teachers with whom you have had the most opportunity to demonstrate those skills. I am sure many teachers would be willing to provide letters for you. Good luck with your scholarship. ① 장학금 추천서 부탁을 거절하려고 ② 뛰어난 학업 성취를 칭찬하려고 ③ 물리학 강좌 수강을 안내하려고 ④ 장학금 수혜 소식을 알려주려고 ⑤ 장학금 신청을 권유하려고 목적 찾기 04 2010( )/18 수능 04. 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 점 ? [1 ] My wife and I have enjoyed receiving your publication for years. Unfortunately, our jobs now have us both traveling most weeks, and we simply cannot keep up with a daily paper. So we would like to request that you stop delivery to our home. If you have questions about this matter, please leave a message at (212) 555-5612, and either my wife or I will call you back as soon as we can. Thank you for years of reliable delivery of a first-rate newspaper. If our situation changes, we will call you to resume delivery. In the meantime, we will expect delivery to stop no later than the end of this week. ① 여행 동행 제안을 거절하려고 ② 신문 배달 중단을 요청하려고 ③ 출판 일정에 대해 문의하려고 ④ 변경된 전화번호를 안내하려고 ⑤ 신속한 정정보도에 감사하려고